Lit Review

In recent years AI technologies have become far more widespread and integrated throughout the entire world, they have pierced and spread through nearly every field, It is therefore of utmost importance to discover the of the implementation of such technologies.

(“Benefits, Limits, And Risks of GPT-4 as an AI Chatbot for Medicine”)

in from 2023 when AI was growing far more mainstream, it sought to show some of the uses of artificial intelligence models as chatbots for aiding patients. Primarily though it could be used to help diagnose patients without having to waste the time of trained medical professionals, though a large limitation was the ai “Hallucinating” which is what it is called when the ai falsifies information. Another use that it mentioned was for medical notes, meaning doctors could be freed up from having to take cumbersome notes, or having an assistant do it. this is important to my research project as it shows many of the ways that AI can be integrated into the healthcare field.

(The 2021 AI index report)when AI models were just beginning to become available for the consumer, and shortly after the pandemic it was a time full of great change. The report itself talks about increasing performance in AI, and some ways that it was beginning to be integrated into surveillance systems. However the report also discussed some of the limitations of AI, that being; There weren’t any real standardized benchmarks for measuring AI performance, There was a lack of consensus on what can be considered ethical use of AI models, and now that it had grown so large, it’d attracted the attention of the US congress. This AI report is important to my research paper as it shows the ways that AI integration has grown since it first became available for public use.

(Education in the Era of Generative AI: Understanding the potential benefits of ChatGPT in

promoting teaching and learning)

This paper is rather recent, and discusses the ways that much like the first, AI can be integrated. This paper however goes into the field of education rather than healthcare, it is far more in depth, as it discusses in detail the various ways one can implement AI technologies in the field of education. It also goes into depth about ways that AI implementation is already underway in education. This paper is important to my paper as it can very much help prove that AI implementation is real and something that does happen. By proving that I can show that it can in-fact impact people’s jobs.

(Constitutional AI: Harmlessness from AI Feedback)

This paper discusses the ways one can train and use and AI assistant in a way that is harmless to the user, non-invasive, yet still useful. The paper is important because it shows that although certain AI companies and tools would rather take shortcuts and harm the user; not all are like that. This is important to my research however as it shows that with even seemingly harmless AI assistants, can majorly effect people’s work and their perception of AI technologies.