In defense of powdered parmesan

Many a times I've seen other I know constantly insult the sort of powdered parmesan cheese you get in like those bottles at the store. I have decided to take upon

City of Gold, Chapter 1

A few years ago I had this fun idea for a story in which a fisherman joins up with an adventuring party to besiege the city of gold and plunder its riches. Now

Hitting 100 Youtube Subscribers

As of currently my youtube channel has reached 100 subscribers, it is most likely going to either fall or rise after this. But anyways I'd figured I'd do a

Xico's Journey - A Review

Today I've just watched a terrible kid's movie called xico's journey. In fact it was so terrible that I must write about it; The sheer terribleness of

Photoshop vs Illustrator

Recently i've decided that good old fashioned paper drawing ain't cutting it (Mostly due to a lack of layers and an overall laziness from me), So i have decided