Domino's Pizza - A poetic advertisement

Written for creative writing, entirely by me; without the use of the blatant plagiarism that people call "AI".

Upon a dark evening I hungered

Hungered I, For pizza

But where to order? For I am lowly in wealth

The Kaiser has pizza, but the quality is disagreeable

Father John’s pizza is for those abounding in wealth

The hovel of pizza is unreliable with its delivery

But then thought I,

Domino’s Pizza

The quality is exceeding

The price is agreeable

The delivery is expedient

Therefore I knew where to order

and I did as such,

An oven baked pizza

A bowl of pasta

and a two litre of coke

after a moment the order arrived

T’was delivered by a cheerful man

It was without flaw, and an excellent meal

After the meal I was given points to spend on pizza once again.